Steven Edgerley #28971
Newport Center, VT
(H) 802-334-6912
Norma Dailey #50954
South Barre, VT
(H) 802-476-9405
Robert King # 36581
Montpelier, VT
(C) 802-223-5080
Ann Edgerley
Newport Center, VT
(H) 802-334-6912
Steve Rowe #40470
So. Burlington, VT
(H) 802-864-0972
(C) 802-363-7638
Jane Chadderdon #71648
Sandestin, FL
(C) 850-714-1646
JoAnn Rowe FR #73
South Burlington, VT
(H) 802-864-0972
Rosaire Longe #8290
Burlington, VT
(H) 802-862-8503
What is a J.C.I. Senator? They come in all shapes and sizes, some with grey hair, some with dark or auburn hair and some with no hair at all.
They may live in Scappone, Oregon; Coeur de Alene, Idaho; or Portland, Maine. In fact, they live in cities and towns all over the world.
They may drive Cadillacs, Fords, Toyotas or pickup trucks. Some are blue collar workers, farmers, teachers, sole proprieters, sales persons, hold professional positions or work in government jobs. Most are married and have families and own their own home. They like music, have radios and television sets and many jog while listening to country music or a symphony.
They like going to sporting events, are at home in the woods or fields while hunting or you may find them on their favorite fishing stream. They like animals and some may even end up in the dog house occassionaly. If they are United States J.C.I. Senators, you can find them on New Years Day in front of a television set, with red eyes, watching eleven hours of football. In many other countries, they watch tennis, soccer, baseball or rugby.
They are fierce competitors and hate to lose. But when they do, they can be very gracious. However , someone once said “They are magnanimous in victory ans sniveling in defeat!”
When you go into their home or offices, you will find the walls filled with plaques and awards. They have all kinds of pin collections and if you are nice to them, they may even trade, sell, or even give you a pin you have been searching for. Some are former Presidents of the United States or have held very high positions of authority in the country in which they live. Many are governors of their states or provinces. They have been the mayor or have served on the Board of Education, County Commission and are leaders in their communities.
They serve as Presidents of Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis or Fraternal Organizations. Many have served in the Armed Forces of their countries and have served with distinction.
Senators are all of the things that I have described, which are varied, but they all have several things in common.
George C. Fraser January 18, 1987
Borrowed , with thanks, from George C. Fraser, Oregon JCI Senate